Imposter Syndrome Workshop

Embracing Your Worth: A Guide to Tackling Imposter Syndrome

In this video, I want you to not only understand your Imposter Syndrome, but to overcome it completely.

Do you:

• fail to recognise and internalise your accomplishments, feeling that your success is a mere fluke?

• have persistent self-doubt and lack of confidence?

• fear being exposed as a fraud or imposter?

If so, you are not alone! It is said that 70% of people experience Imposter Syndrome in some form or another. So are we ALL imposters, or is there something else at play here keeping us from accessing and enjoying our brilliance?

Join me on this one-hour workshop, where I will share tips for overcoming imposter syndrome, and take you through 2 powerful NLP exercises so you understand your self-worth, and step into empowered self-confidence.

Bring pen, paper and a curious mind.

Georgina HalabiComment